Market Place
Advisory block will help you to share your investment strategies and recommendations along with all Clients and Managers. Also it gives Portfolio Managers ability to manage all client portfolios through the one tool.
Key Terminologies
Product | Market Place |
An investment idea as Investment Strategy or Recommendation managed by professional investment managers. | The page with list of Investment Products published for trading. |
Strategy | Recommendation |
An investment strategy is a plan designed to help individual investors achieve their financial and investment goals with help of basket of assets united by one idea and managed by professional investment managers. | Information recommending or suggesting one or several financial instruments including any opinion as to the present or future value or price of such instruments. |
Holding | Allocation |
Holdings are the contents of a Model Portfolio indication which asset is included and its allocation | An amount of a resource (asset) assigned to a particular Model Portfolio |
Execution | Projection |
The carrying out of a plan by Model Portfolio on the specific client Portfolio. | A forecast of a future projection of the Strategy holdings based on a study of present trends |
Key Functionality
In the headers below you can find the overview of the Strategies and Recommendations and also link to the articles with details description.
Please note that any investments in the Strategies or Recommendations must suit into Client Risk Profile.
Strategy Overview
There are two types of Strategies in the Luna Wealth Platform - Active and Passive Strategies. Active Strategies are periodically managed by professional investment managers and every changes in the Model Portfolios leads to the corresponding rebalance of investors portfolio. At the same time Passive Strategies can’t be changed - while strategy is actual its assets are static.

See more:
how to create and manage Strategy
start rebalancing by Active Strategy
Recommendation Overview
Recommendation is a temporary idea or suggest to invest money into specific asset(s). Recommendation in contrast to the Strategy doesn’t have allocation of the assets. It means that Client (or Portfolio Manager) can buy as much asset as it’s necessary.
See more:
how to create Recommendation