Orders, Transactions and Position accruals
Portfolio positions in Reluna platform are calculated on the basis of transactions. All transactions are linked with orders. Transactions are loaded to the platform via integration with Custodians or via manual import.
Main rules of storage and display of data
Storage of data in data base
All received Transactions, Bank positions are stored in data base with all decimals without rounding.
Display of data for users
Main parameters of transactions, orders and positions are rounded to 2 decimals and some are rounded to 5 decimals. The platform is based on a round up method.
Rounding example:
3.567 → 3.57
3.432-> 3.43

1. Transactions
1.1. Transactions table (All transactions or Transactions in Portfolio)
Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
Price | 2 |
Value | 2 |
Net Amount | 2 |
Net Amount PF Ccy | 2 |
1.2 Transaction from
Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
Price | 5 |
Value | 2 |
Net Amount | 2 |
Net Amount PF Ccy | 2 |
1.3 Export to Excel from Transactions
Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
Price | 2 |
Value | 2 |
Net Amount | 2 |
Net Amount PF Ccy | 2 |
1.4 In the Order table (Orders)
Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
Ex. Quantity | 2 |
Price | 2 |
Ex. Price | 2 |
2. Order
2.1 Order table
Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
Ex. Quantity | 2 |
Price | 2 |
Ex. Price | 2 |
2.2 Order form
Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
Ex. Quantity | 2 |
Price | 5 |
Ex. Price | 2 |
2.3 Export from Orders
Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
Ex. Quantity | 2 |
Price | 2 |
Ex. Price | 2 |
3. Position
3.1 Position Table
Field | Decimals |
| Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
| Value Settled | 2 |
Quantity Settled | 2 |
| Value Unsettled | 2 |
Quantity Unsettled | 2 |
| Accrued | 2 |
Quantity Blocked | 2 |
| Accrued Paid | 2 |
Quantity Available | 2 |
| Unrealized PNL | 2 |
Quantity Order In | 2 |
| Unrealized PNL, % | 2 |
Quantity Order Out | 2 |
| Realized PNL | 2 |
Bank Quantity | 2 |
| Realized PNL, % | 2 |
Purchase Price | 2 |
| Daily PNL | 2 |
Market Price | 2 |
| Daily PNL, % | 2 |
FX | 2 |
| Total PNL | 2 |
Value | 2 |
| Total PNL, % | 2 |
3.2 Export from positions
Field | Decimals |
| Field | Decimals |
Field | Decimals |
| Field | Decimals |
Quantity | 2 |
| Value Settled | 2 |
Quantity Settled | 2 |
| Value Unsettled | 2 |
Quantity Unsettled | 2 |
| Accrued | 2 |
Quantity Blocked | 2 |
| Accrued Paid | 2 |
Quantity Available | 2 |
| Unrealized PNL | 2 |
Quantity Order In | 2 |
| Unrealized PNL, % | 2 |
Quantity Order Out | 2 |
| Realized PNL | 2 |
Bank Quantity | 2 |
| Realized PNL, % | 2 |
Purchase Price | 2 |
| Daily PNL | 2 |
Market Price | 2 |
| Daily PNL, % | 2 |
FX | 2 |
| Total PNL | 2 |
Value | 2 |
| Total PNL, % | 2 |