Release 3.49 2021-11-28
We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform 28 Nov 2021 which is bug fix release.
This release contains the following improvements
for Client Valuation Report:
asynchronous generation reports and notification about reporting.
notification about errors in the report generation to #it_Report_Monitoring channel.
rounding to 2 decimal places in the Portfolio Value field in the Asset Performance section.
Added a footnote on the time format "Time shown in the report is displayed in UTC format" under Important Notes.
for Strategy Management:
Added to the strategy performance calculation based on accrued details for fixed incomes
If strategy order can't be created due to min lot Portfolio Manager should have the ability to change it
Bug Fixes
This release contains the following fixes
for the General Functionality:
Fixed displaying points of transactions on position.
Fixed calculation estimated value with fx on new issue orders.
Fixed displaying of the Activate button after selecting several transactions.
Optimization of transactions load mechanism from bank services.
for Strategy Management:
Buy orders should be triggered when all sell orders are cancelled, filled (partially filled), expired
If I deleted the holding sell order should be created
When I set client order qty to 0 system should not check min peace of the instrument
The release includes a known bugs:
recommendation creation process
the "I'm here" button does not work