Release 3.53 2022-02-01
We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform 01 Feb 2022.
New features
for Invest Department Management:
Redesign dashboard widgets:
Added a choice of custom period for the performance chart. You can select a standard period or select by specific dates;
Added detail by Region. In the Regions widget, when you select a Region name, a detailed info weight of assets by country in this region will open.

For Administrator:
Added Notification template where administrator could:
see the list of notifications;
see details of the notifications;
change recipients;
create the new notification.
for Strategy Management:
Added display of transactions on executed orders in the strategy position window.
Reduced request time when rebalancing a strategy.
Added an Error Description field to the table with strategy orders.
for Invest Department Management:
Added email notification about the investment trades.
Added a new Instrument type - Derivative.
Big fixes
for Strategy Management:
Fixed closing orders as a result of Strategy rebalancing.
for Back Office Management:
Fixed PNL calculation by portfolio position.
for Invest Department Management:
Fixed creation of FX, Blocked order from a portfolio position.
for Reporting:
Fixed Client Count Report (excluded prop portfolios).
Fixed Monthly Reconciliation Report (excluding grouping by strategy positions).
for Sales Management:
Fixed client birthday email notification.
Fixed access check by ip on the application.
Fixed order creation email notification.