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Release 3.61 2022-06-30

We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform 30 June 2022.

New features

for Automation:

  • Released Custom Processes which helps to solve specific business requests. See more in the Automotion Article

for Strategy Managements:

  • Added widgets with Region and Currency allocation by strategy holdings

  • Added vertical axis where Backtest performance ends

  • Added Asset Type field on the Strategy, it gives ability to group strategies by Asset Type

for Transaction Loaders:

  • Added Manual Import of transactions


in General:

  • Made some fixes

for Strategy Managements:

  • Improved import of holdings, added asset currency in the csv file to find Equities by ticker and Currency

  • Fixed Projection calculation

for Reporting:

  • Improved CRS report - added logic how to retrieve Account reporting country and which Controlling Persons must be included in the report

for Transaction Loaders:

  • Switched Manual Import of transactions to general loader logic, now it’s possible to match and reprocess manual transactions

Technical Work

  • Updated Julius Baer parsing logic

  • Refactor order model

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