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Release 3.81 2023-07-13

We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform on 13 July 2023.

New features

for All Users:

  • Added ability to view dashboard and positions in the different currencies and by periods

By default all Portfolio data and positions are requested in Portfolio Currency for all time.

If user changes settings of currency or period, the settings are applied to all related screens.

N.B. The display of positions and dashboard is also influenced by the selected bank accounts, which, like the currency, are linked between the dashboard and positions screens

Portfolio Profile screen

Portfolio Positions screen

  1. Select of Currency

  2. Select of option Date or Range

  3. Select of Date (according to option 2)

  4. Reset to default settings

  • Added link to strategy assets when Portfolio positions are grouped by strategy ( Group by= Product Id and subgroup by= Asset type)

The system displays AUM, PNL for every strategy and shows detailed information on about the instrument by click.

  • Added a new pricing source for bonds

  • Added validation for Internal Transfer orders instruments.

User can’t choose cash instruments for Internal Transfer as the system has a separate Cash Transfer order (see more )

for Risk Manager and Compliance:

  • Updated RTS28 Report with technical information and additional validation of report results

for SaaS:

  • Improved External Order Management System (EOMS) service by additional synchronisation of orders' statuses in different Reluna spaces

for Admin and Support Team:

  • Added alternative pricing source for bonds. If primary pricing source is not available or there is no requested information, LWP switchers to secondary pricing source

  • Fixed track of logging time for users

Technical information

  • Fixed instruments target during import holdings

  • Fixed "Subscription Terms" widget in Market Place

  • Fixed publishing of new strategies in Market Place

Please note that some features may require additional setup steps. For more information, please refer to the updated user guide(s).

We hope you enjoy the new features and changes in this release. As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues or have any feedback.


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