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Release 3.85 2023-09-22

We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform on 22 September 2023.

New features

for Back Office:

  • Added Authorized Persons table on Client Portfolios

Open Portfolio → table “Authorized Persons“

For a Client Portfolio you can check Authorized Person’s level of access to orders

  • Added Portfolio’s Internal Name to technical information in Report “Statement of Eligible Funds” to simplify search of related to report information in the system.

for Traders and Investment Department:

  • Added a field for manual input value on the Strategy Unsubscribe order form

  • Added FX order tab and refresh button for Strategy execution

New Brokerage Solutions:

  • Added mechanism for mass creation of orders on the basis of bank transactions.

If an Authorized user initiated orders outside the system, bank transactions are received without a link to the orders. In this case, Back office can choose received bank transactions and the system will automatically prepare orders. Back Office checks drafts of orders and after confirm, the system will create such orders and link them with transactions.

for Admin and Support Team:

  • Changed JPM transaction parsing.

Additional transaction date is added to a new field “Deal Date” of Transactions.

Technical information

  • Fixed order status as “Done” after matching and partially filled execution

  • Fixed Error in Price when selecting FX order execution by Limit

Please note that some features may require additional setup steps. For more information, please refer to the updated user guide(s).

We hope you enjoy the new features and changes in this release. As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues or have any feedback.


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