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Release 3.95 2024-02-15

We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform on 15 February 2024.

New features

for All Users:

  • Added display of objects names instead ids in Change requests

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for Back Office:

  • Added automatic Income generator window which is triggered when a transaction is manually created or an order is executed, where Instrument Asset Type is “Fixed Income” or “Equity” and Trade Date is less then today's date.

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Press “Generate” button to create an Income on the basis of calculated information.

  • Added period and currency to the file name for export of All positions to excel

  • Added Net Amount calculations on Private assets transaction form

  • Renamed My Private Assets widget button to Add Private asset

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for Client Administrator:

  • Added automatic Client reports sending to Clients

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The User generates Client report(s), which default status is “NEW”.

Generated Client Report can be Approved or Rejected after check.

A User with permission to modify reports can either select multiple reports via checkboxes or change the status of only one report

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Only Approved Client Reports can be sent to the Client

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The Platform tracks status of the “Last report Sending” and gives option to check to whom the report was sent ( Open “…” → Sent Logs)

  • Added validation for linked Portfolio when Bank account is created manually via “Bank accounts” tab

Step 1

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Step 2

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Find the Portfolio and save changes.

for Investment Department:

  • Added asset type to Strategies widget

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Technical information

  • Fixed Sell transaction quantity for Private assets

  • Added filter for display of Bank account with zero or negative balance in Internal switch order

  • Fixed display of difference in Advanced Analytics tab for Global Allocation

  • Fixed Global Allocation screen when no data is available upon request

  • Fixed rounding for Interest order created on the basis of the bank transaction

  • Fixed loading of data when Portfolio settings are changed

  • Removed automatic check of prices on Private assets

  • Fixed incorrect Currency dropdown list when GBP/ GBp is requested

Please note that some features may require additional setup steps. For more information, please refer to the updated user guide(s).

We hope you enjoy the new features and changes in this release. As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues or have any feedback.


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