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Release 3.97 2024-03-08

We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform on 08 March 2024.

New features

for All Users:

  • Updated Dashboards and Portfolio widgets with online recalculation of data

    • Performance

    • Top 5

    • Portfolios

    • Currencies

for Back Office:

  • Updated naming of Blocked order to Block order

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  • Updated Virtual Portfolio data

Tabs Orders, Advanced Analytics and Restriction alerts are not displayed for Virtual Portfolios

Standard display of Bank account related to Portfolio is not displayed for Virtual Portfolios

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  • Updated Private asset creation workflow

Use “ Create Private Asset” button

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Select “Asset type” from available options: Tangible asset or Intangible asset

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Set up icon and classification for Private asset

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On the screen "Price History And Other Daily Information" select currency.

Add Price information

  • Date

  • Price

And press button “Save”

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Finish all steps of the workflow to create a Private asset.

for Investment Department and Trading:

  • Removed all orders except, Subscribe and Unsubscribe, in the product on Marketplace

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  • Updated product subscription and unsubscription. Replaced order type “Virtual Cash Transfer” with order “Product Subscription” и “Product Unsubscription”

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  • Unblocked trading instructions for OTC orders

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Updated calculation of “Amount” with commission on order execution and added “Additional Charge” display.

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New Brokerage Solutions:

  • Added new banks and corresponding transaction source

Technical Information

  • Fixed color indicator of amount on order execution forms

  • Fixed rounding for accrued on orders

  • Blocked opportunity to change the order after creation an order with active Change Requests

Please note that some features may require additional setup steps. For more information, please refer to the updated user guide(s).

We hope you enjoy the new features and changes in this release. As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues or have any feedback.


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