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Release 4.0 2024-04-20

We are pleased to announce the release of the Platform on 20 April 2024.

New features

for All Users:

  • Added Fixed Income and History widgets to Portfolio dashboard. Widgets are also displayed on Strategy.

Fixed Income widget

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Use widget options to review Fixed income breakdown with analytics on Sector/ Currency / Rating

Value and weight are recalculated on the basis of the chosen period and currency

Widget is also recalculated within the online prices

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History widget

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Sharpe and return data widget is changed to History widget

System displays 5 indicators (Sharpe Ratio, Total Return, Volatility, Max Draw Down, Mean Return) in historical perspective.

Values depend on bank accounts data, dates and currencies chosen by user in settings of profile page.

for Client Administrator:

  • Added import of Accounts. One or more accounts can be created via import of Excel file with required information.

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  • Added counter for Mangers and Clients in the system. The number of Managers and Clients that can be created varies based on the Saas subscription plan.

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for Traders and Portfolio Managers:

  • Added functionality for trading from Consolidated Portfolios

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  1. When order is created from a Consolidated Portfolio the system will automatically open a mass order form.

  2. Mass order form opens a special table for order information (Portfolio/ Bank Account/ Manager/ Qty/ Estimated)

For Sell orders the system will automatically fill in Portfolio and bank account where asset is held

  • Added logic for calculation of ETF in Global allocation:

All ETF are calculated in Global allocation according to their subtype. For example, ETF on Equity is calculated in Global allocation in section “Equity” on the basis of tags/subtags/tag extension logic.

All ETF are allocated geographically on the basis of Geo allocation information loaded from market sources.The system automatically calculates percentage of country allocation for Advanced analytics on Portfolios.

New Saas Solutions:

Saas platform MVP is launched on subscription basis for asset management and brokerage companies as B2B solution. Customers can choose subscription type corresponding to their needs.

Technical information

  • Fixed transfer of lead to status “Qualified”

  • Added “Recommended Investment Amount” on Personal Recommendations Widget

  • Fixed red mark on the notifications icon “bell” when a new notification appears

Please note that some features may require additional setup steps. For more information, please refer to the updated user guide(s).

We hope you enjoy the new features and changes in this release. As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues or have any feedback.


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