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Release 4.2 2024-06-01

We are excited to announce the latest update, designed to enhance the capabilities and user experience for our Clients. This release note provides a comprehensive overview of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes included in this update, as well as important information regarding known issues.

New features

for Back Office:

  • Added automatic generator for Corporate action: bond redemption. The system automatically checks if instrument’s “Maturity Date” is achieved and creates transaction in status=Active and status reason= Order

Order status means that it is system generated transaction which is not received yet from the Custody but should be delivered on the next date of the Trade or on the Value Date.

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for Investment Department and Portfolio Managers

  • Added additional attribute on instruments “Currency Type” with possible values “Soft”, “Hard” or “USD linked”

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  • Updated Instructions on Order for trading from Consolidated portfolio

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  • Updated Product unsubscribe order from Consolidated Portfolio.

When Product unsubscribe is made from positions of Consolidated portfolio the system automatically fills in bank accounts where Product is held

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  • Updated Marketplace action menu.

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Promotion button is places in action menu under Product

  • Added information about error during loading of Instruments from Market sources. Errors will inform user if there is no connection with market source or when loading is not possible with reasons.

For Admin and Support Team

  • Added prices monitorings to capture and resolve cases when previous price is different on particular % from price received.

  • Added monitorings for Portfolio recalculation upon changes in positions, transactions, portfolio structure

Technical information

  • Fixed performance calculation on the strategy

  • Fixed calculations on the stock position page (AUM, PNL) and made improvements to obtain correct data for the widgets

  • Fixed flow for Creation of Private asset

  • Fixed calculation of Estimate on order creation and execution

  • Fixed calculations of value related to GBp Currency

Please note that some features may require additional setup steps. For more information, please refer to the updated user guide(s).

We hope you enjoy the new features and changes in this release. As always, please let us know if you encounter any issues or have any feedback.


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