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Release 4.4

Release Version Number: 4.4

Date: 11 July, 2024

Platform: Re:Luna

We're excited to announce the latest update, designed to enhance the capabilities and user experience for our Clients. This release note provides a comprehensive overview of the new features, improvements, bug fixes included in this update.

Added new order types and subtypes

  • For Role(s): Back Office










Bond Redemption partial

Fee (added new subtypes)

  • Feature Benefits:

    • Detailed Tracking

    • Accurate Financial Reporting

Enhanced mechanism for creation of marginal orders

  • For Role(s): Traders, Back Office

The platform provides opportunities to set up marginal trading and indicate limit (Unlimited/ Percentage of AUM/ Fixed Amount).

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When marginal order is created initiator needs to confirm order creation.

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Additional information (Requested amount/ Available amount/ Marginal amount) is added for approvers when marginal order is created.


Updated Brokerage integration with Custody

  • For Role(s): Back Office

Changed logic for automatic set up of value dates on different types of transactions.


Enhanced features of Global allocation

  • For Role(s): Financial Analytics, Traders

  1. Introduced a table view with positions within the Global Allocation widget

Click on Current allocation %

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Positions that relate to current allocation are displayed in a separate position screen


  1. Added “Unallocated” on global allocation widget to show which positions are not included in any set up tag.

  1. Added functionality to make more complicated settings for Global allocation with criteria patterns

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  • Feature Benefits:

    • Comprehensive Position Insights

    • Streamlined Portfolio Management


Updated strategy potions screens

  • For Role(s): Financial Analytics

Updated strategy screens (overview/ analysis/ positions/transaction) with opportunity to open full screen display of information by click on “See details” for positions and transactions

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Improved the subscription and unsubscription process for strategy positions. Now, when managers unsubscribe from a strategy, the system will automatically open pre-filled order forms, streamlining the process.

Currency Selector for Strategy Position

A new currency selector in the header of the Strategy Position page. This feature allows to choose from a list of currencies "Product Ccy"

  • Feature Benefits:

    • Enhanced Flexibility

    • Personalized Experience

    • Consistent Functionality

Ticker have been added to the Instruments within the Top 5 holdings

Updated request to Market provider on Dividends

  • For Role(s): Financial Analytics

The equity instrument widget now provides enhanced dividend information. If available, dividends are fetched from Twelve Data for the most accurate and up-to-date values. If not, the system will retrieve dividends from an alternative reliable source. If no data is available, the widget will clearly indicate this with a “-” in the Dividends field.


  • Feature Benefits:

    • Enhanced Accuracy

    • Reliability

    • Transparency

Refactor Private Asset Creation Flow

  • For Role(s): User with permission to work with private assets

The private asset creation process has been simplified into two streamlined workflows. When accessed from the System Dashboard or Consolidated Portfolio Dashboard, follow the steps "Choose Portfolio" and "Add Authorized Persons" to set the correct portfolio and permissions. For Virtual Portfolio Dashboards, the process omits these steps since the portfolio context is already known.

The Private Asset widget is no longer available for Client/Company portfolio types.

  • Feature Benefits:

    • Simplified Workflow

    • Contextual Relevance

    • Improved Usability


Enhanced Instrument Data Calculation

  • For Role(s): All users

Now, calculate Market Type, Region, and Credit Rating at the instrument level, providing more accurate and detailed information.

  • Feature Benefits:

    • Accurate Market Type and Region Classification

    • Detailed Credit Rating Assessment

    • Improved Data Consistency

Extended SaaS services

Added option to “Book a Demo” on the official website for SaaS Clients .



This release note provides an overview of the latest updates and features introduced in Re:Luna - Version 4.4. For more details, please refer to the sections above or contact our support team for assistance. We hope you enjoy the new features and changes in this release.

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