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User Guide: Support Request Process


This guide provides you with clear instructions on how to submit tickets to Support when you face an issue, need help, or have feedback about the system. Whether you're encountering an error, need assistance with a feature, or have an idea for improvement, this guide ensures that your request is processed quickly and efficiently.

When to Submit a Support Ticket

Before you submit a ticket, please check Reluna’s Knowledge Base for possible solutions. You may find the answer to your issue there, which could help resolve your problem(s) more quickly.

How to Create a Ticket

Our ticketing system offers three distinct forms to help you efficiently address your needs. Select the appropriate option based on the purpose of your request:

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Sample of Reporting an Issue

Report An Issue
Use this option to report any bugs or system errors that affect the functionality of the platform.

Suggest An Enhancement
Use this option to propose new features or improvements to enhance the platform's performance or user experience

Service Request
Use this option when you need assistance or support, such as troubleshooting or general inquiries.

  1. Click the image-20241204-093312.png icon in the bottom-left corner of the system (accessible from any page) to create a Support ticket.

  2. Complete the form with all the required details to ensure your request is processed efficiently. Here are detailed guides for each field to help you fill them out accurately.

🚨 Report An Issue
  • Issue Summary(*): Provide a brief description of the issue.

  • Priority Level(*): Choosing the right Priority Level helps the support team understand the urgency of the issue.

  • Urgency Level(*): Indicates how quickly the support team needs to respond to the issue based on its impact.

  • Feature(*): Select the feature related to the component.

  • Steps You Took That Led To This Error(*): Describe the actions that results in the error.

  • Expected Results(*): Clearly state what outcome/resolution you expect.

    For Example:
    (1) I expect the system to match transactions with the ledger and flag unmatched ones for review.
    (2) I expect the portfolio dashboard to show the correct percentage change in asset values without errors.

  • Click on Upload File to drag and drop the file into the designated box.

💡 Suggest An Enhancement
  • Enhancement Summary(*): Enter a brief description of the enhancement suggestion.

  • Priority Level(*): Choose the priority of the enhancement.

  • Urgency Level(*): Select how soon the enhancement is needed.

  • Component(*): Specify the related component.

  • Feature(*): Identify the specific feature related to the component.

  • Enhancement Description(*): Provide a detailed explanation of the enhancement request.

  • Expected Results(*): Describe what results or improvements you expect from this enhancement.

  • Click on Upload File to drag and drop the file into the designated box.

🔍 Service Request
  • Enter a concise title that summarizes the purpose/nature of your request in the Request Summary(*) field.

  • Select the Priority Level(*) of your request from the dropdown menu.

  • Choose the Urgency Level(*) from the corresponding dropdown menu.

  • Fill in the Request Description(*) field with a detailed explanation of your issue or request.

  • In the Expected Results(*) field, describe the outcome/resolution you are hoping to achieve.

  • Click on the Upload File button or drag and drop your file into the designated area.

  1. Upload relevant files. This is an optional but highly recommended as it provides additional context or evidence to help us better understand and resolve your request.

Ensure the file is in one of the supported formats, such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, HEVC, TXT, XLS, XLSX, SVG, ZIP, HTML, MP4, DOCX, AVI, JSON and LOG

  1. Click the Send button to submit your service request. After submission, you will receive an acknowledgment email from Support.

Where to find submitted tickets

All your submitted tickets can be found in the My Requests table on the Reluna platform. This section allows you to view, update, or close your tickets conveniently in one place.

There are 3 ways to access the table:

A. From the Profile

  1. Click the image-20241204-062801.png icon located on the right corner of the platform.

  2. Click image-20241204-062623.png from the support icon


B. From Notifications

  1. Find and Open Notification icon on top right of the platform (next to Profile).

  2. On the Notifications bar > Click on Settings gear.


C. From the Ticket form

  1. Click the image-20241128-162110.png icon in the bottom-left corner of the system;

  2. Click from the support icon


Then, find My Requests tab on the page.


Export all or selected tickets in “My Requests” tab to Excel.

My Requests Table

Table has the following columns:

  • Ticket ID: A unique ID for each request submitted by the user.

  • Summary: A brief description of the issue or enhancement request.

  • Submit Date: The date and time the ticket was created or submitted.

  • Last Update: The most recent date and time when the ticket was updated.

  • Priority: The importance level of the ticket.

  • Component: The specific area or feature the ticket relates to.

  • Status: The current progress or state of the ticket (e.g., Open, Under Review, Work in Progress, Done, Declined).

How to Update a Submitted Ticket

After submitting a ticket, you may need to provide additional details or attach files to help resolve the issue faster. The system allows you to do this by opening a dedicated page for ticket updates.

Steps to Update Your Ticket:

  1. Locate the ticket by navigating to your My Requests table.

  2. Click on the ticket to open it.

  3. This will take you to a dedicated page for the ticket update.

  4. To update the ticket, you can:

  5. (1) Use the Attachment box to upload files.
    (2) Click on Download icon to open or view the attached file(s).

You can delete files using the Delete icon next to uploaded file.

(2) Add details in the Comments section and press Enter key.


Expected Response time and SLA

Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a commitment by the support team to respond to and resolve issues within specific time frames. It begins when all information is provided and the ticket is submitted for review.

Each company establishes its own SLA, defining the response and resolution times for issues based on their priority. This ensures timely and effective support tailored to the urgency of your concerns.

To learn more about the Reluna SLA, refer to the detailed documentation here:
Reluna - Service Level Agreement

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