Reconciliation of Unsettled Positions
Luna Wealth Platform helps to track Positions in Portfolio. User can check which Positions are unsettled and require check up.
Main Terms
Every Position has fields “Quantity” and “Settled Quantity”.
Term | Description |
Position Quantity | Quantity based on transactions that were created automatically based on order or were received from the bank, displays total amount of the asset |
Position Settled Quantity | Quantity based on transactions that were received from the bank and were settled (value date has come or confirmation from the bank was received) |
How to find Unsettled Positions that require check up?
Open “Portfolios”→ “Positions”
Set “Filters”

Add Filter “QtySetteled” and choose operator “≠” in value field.Thеn use option “By Field” and find field “Qty”. Press “Apply” to find all Positions in Portfolio where Settled Quantity ≠ Quantity.

3. Check found Positions or add some other Groups, Filters or Columns to optimise search results. For more information see User Guide,-filters-and-columns-in-the-system-%3F.3305242641.html