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Manual portfolio creation


The Manual Portfolio Creation section of the Reluna platform allows you to create a new portfolio manually and perform its activation, closure, deactivation, as well as edit a portfolio that is not yet fully confirmed and activated.

How to create a portfolio

Before creating a portfolio, make sure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • A company has been created

  • Account created

  • Custodian created

  • Mandate created

  • A bank account is created

  • A Portfolio Manager is created

  1. Go to the Portfolios section and click on the Workflow button on the right side,

  2. Select Create Portfolio and fill in the information. Fields marked with an "*" are required fields,

  3. Select Bank accounts and add a bank account to the portfolio,

  4. Click the “Save” button,


  1. Find the desired portfolio in the list of portfolios, click the "..." button and select Edit

  2. Enable the Edit button

  3. Click +Add Manager and fill in the information. Fields marked “*” are required

  4. Click the Save button.


Mandate should have the same account as portfolio.

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