Company Portfolio Guide
Company Portfolios are designed to help you manage corporate-level investments. These portfolios are ideal for businesses, asset management firms and financial institutions looking to efficiently manage company assets or aggregated client investments.
The platform offers flexibility, enabling you to manage a variety of investment strategies and maintain an organized structure across multiple portfolios. There are three types available on the platform: Prop Portfolio, Omni Portfolio and TTCA Portfolio.
Key Terminologies
Prop Portfolio | Omni Portfolio | TTCA Portfolio |
A portfolio you use to manage your company’s proprietary assets internally. This portfolio helps you track and manage assets owned by your business. | A portfolio designed to aggregate your clients' assets under a single account, making it easier for you to manage and oversee bulk holdings. | A portfolio that holds assets transferred from your clients under a TTCA, giving full ownership of those assets to your company. |
Screen Walkthrough Videos
Detailed Step-by-Step Guide on:
1. How to set up a Prop Portfolio
2. How to set up an Omni Portfolio
3. How to set up a TTCA Portfolio
👉To Learn more on Portfolio types, visit the main page.