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Portfolio Creation Guide


This step-by-step guide will help you create different types of portfolios on the platform. Whether you need a Client Portfolio, Company Portfolio or a Consolidated Portfolio, this guide will cover the necessary steps, inputs, bank account setup, management conditions and final confirmation process.

Understanding Portfolio Types

When creating a new portfolio, you will be able to choose from a variety of options. Here’s a quick rundown of the different types and when you should use them.

Portfolio Type

Portfolio Sub Type(s)


Client Portfolio

Standard Portfolio

This portfolio is created when you open a new client account. Use it to manage standard client investments.

Virtual Portfolio

Allows you to store and manage private assets separately from your main client portfolio. Ideal for handling non-standard assets.

Company Portfolio

Prop Portfolio

Designed for managing your company’s proprietary assets internally. Use this if you are handling company-owned investments.

Omni Portfolio

Lets you aggregate multiple client assets under a single omnibus account. Useful for efficient bulk management.

TTCA Portfolio

Allows you to hold assets transferred from clients under a TTCA, giving full ownership to the company.

Consolidated Portfolio

New Consolidated Portfolio

A master portfolio that groups multiple client portfolios together. Use this for centralized management of client holdings.

Create a Portfolio with Video or Step-by-Step Guides

Select a portfolio type to begin:

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