Consolidated Portfolio Guide
Consolidated Portfolios allow you to combine multiple client or company portfolios into a single, unified portfolio. This portfolio type is ideal for managing diverse assets spread across different portfolios, offering you an aggregated view of your holdings.
This is particularly useful for businesses and investment managers who need to monitor and track assets across multiple client accounts or company investments in one central location, with the added convenience and functionality of our platform.
Detailed Step-by-Step Guide on Consolidated Portfolio
1. Navigate to the Portfolios Section
Open Portfolios tab > Find Workflow in the platform.

2. Create a New Consolidated Portfolio
Fill in the required fields:
In General Information:
Portfolio Name(*): Input your Consolidated Portfolio Name
Portfolio Currency(*): Define the portfolio currency.
In Portfolios:
Select or Add more Portfolios(*) in this Consolidated Portfolio.

4. Save the Consolidated Portfolio
Click on Save button to create the Consolidated Portfolio.
5. Verify the Created Portfolio
Go to Portfolios > Consolidated Portfolios tab > Search/Filter by the name of newly created Consolidated Portfolio and review.

Click on three dots and choose Edit option to make the necessary changes in the created Consolidated Portfolio and Save again.

👉 To Learn more on Portfolio types, visit the page.